Welcome to XXXV Finnish NMR symposium (2013)!
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the XXXV Finnish NMR Symposium in June 12 – 14, 2013. The symposium will take place in Spa Hotel Rantasipi Siuntio, close to Helsinki.
The symposium is organised by the Finnish NMR Society, together with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, University of Helsinki, Aalto University and Orion Pharma.
Confirmed invited speakers include:
- Prof. Göran Widmalm (Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University)
- Dr. Young Hae Choi (University of Leiden)
- Prof. Oleg Antzutkin (Chemistry of Interfaces, University of Luleå)
- Dr. Arho Virkki (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
Thank you! (17-06-2013)
The XXXV NMR symposium has been finnished succesfully. The organizing committee thanks all participants and welcomes you again next year!
Bus transport delayed (10-06-2013)
To match some timetables with airplanes, the bus transport has been delayed a little bit. Check details on the transport page.
Bus transport (07-06-2013)
The bus transport details can now be found at the "location and accommodation" -page. Also some minor corrections to conference programme and participant list have been made.
Updated programme, final participant list, bus transport (04-06-2013)
The programme has been now finalized and can be found on the schedule page. Also the final participant list has been updated. Details about free bus transport to the conference venue will be published shortly. See you at Siuntio!
Extended deadlines, programme draft (22-05-2013)
The registration and abstract submission deadline have been extended, and new poster or oral presentations are still wellcome! Also first draft of the conference programme is now available.
Updates (17-05-2013)
Details of the conference are currently being finalized, for now it has been confirmed that all of the saunas, pools and gym are available for conference attendees free of charge, and additional spa services can be purcased. The attendees list have also been updated, stay tuned for programme draft and transportation details which should be ready during next week.
Updates (29-04-2013)
Many sponsors have been confirmed for the event, as you can see from the logos below, we are very grateful for the support! Also Prof. Oleg Antzutkin has been confirmed as an invited speaker, and the current registrations have been updated.
Abstract template added, abstract submission open (22-04-2013)
Abstract template is now added, so abstract submission is now offically open! Also please remember to register, the list of participants will be updated shortly.
Registration opened (16-04-2013)
The registration form is now open. Abstract submission and accomodation details will be published shortly.
Web pages opened (12-04-2013)
The conference web-pages are now up and running. More info, and registration details will be added soon!