Welcome to XXXVI Finnish NMR symposium (2014)!
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the XXXVI Finnish NMR Symposium in June 4–6, 2014. The symposium will take place in Pikku-Syöte.
The symposium is organized by the Finnish NMR Society and the University of Oulu.
During the symposium the selected oral and poster presentations will highlight a wide variety of applications of magnetic resonance methods, such as dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), metabolomics, para-hydrogen induced polarization (PHIP), chemical analysis, and nuclear magneto-optical spectroscopy (NMOS).
Confirmed invited speakers include:
- Igor Koptyug (International Tomography Centre, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Nuclear spin isomers of molecules: properties and application for signal enhancement in NMR and MRI - Christian Hilty (Texas A&M University, USA)
Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Chemistry - Timo Liimatainen (University of Eastern Finland)
MRI Contrasts Generated Using Fictitious Fields in High-Rank Rotating Frames - Johannes Kettunen (University of Oulu)
The role and importance of quantitative serum NMR metabolomics in genetics and systems biology
Thank you! (09-06-2014)
The XXXVI Finnish NMR symposium has been finished successfully. The organizing committee thanks all participants! Welcome again next year!
Program updated (22-05-2014)
The program has been updated. A full version is now available.
Deadlines extended (06-05-2014)
The deadlines for registration and abstract submission have been extended to May 11!
Update: bus transportation (18-03-2014)
Bus schedule updated.
Bus transportation (03-03-2014)
Tentative bus schedule can now be found in the transportation page.
Web pages opened (07-02-2014)
The conference web-pages are now up and running. More info and registration details will be added soon!