
Registration has now been closed

The registration fees are as follows:

Students (PhD, MSc) & Retired/Emeritus Academic Industrial
150 € 200 € 500 €

Academic group includes all academic researchers in the active part of their research careers after PhD. This includes postdocs, senior researchers, university researchers, etc.

The registration fee includes the scientific sessions, a booklet containing abstracts, coffee, refreshments, lunches, get-together party and conference dinner.

Deadline for the registration is 6 May 2019.


Registration fees should be paid to:

Suomen NMR-spektroskopiaseura ry
FI59 8146 9710 0389 35
(Danske Bank, BIC: DABAFIHH)
Write your name and "NMR Symposium 2019" in the comment, please!

The deadline for payments is 30 April 2019.

If you have any questions regarding registration or payments feel free to contact us at organizers(at)nmrsymposium(dot)fi.

If you are interested in attending for only for one or two days, please, contact us at organizers(at)nmrsymposium(dot)fi to make arrangements.